Terrace Brier Soccer Club


Revised 2024

With the object in view of stimulating a greater interest and development in the sport of soccer in our area and creating an enthusiasm which, by reason of our example will serve to awaken a spirit of emulation and cooperation to the same.

Consonant with the most liberal spirit of tolerance in the achievement of our purpose, we agree that in the vigorous pursuit thereof, that this organization shall at all times maintain an attitude strictly non-sectarian, non-partisan, and non-sectional. Nor shall we, as an organization, take part in political issues of the affairs of the City or State.



The name of the organization shall be TERRACE BRIER SOCCER CLUB, hereinafter referred to as the Club or TBSC.


The purpose of the Club shall be to provide supervised competitive athletics and to teach and develop the game of soccer for all youth players in the Greater South Snohomish County area.


The objective of the Club shall be to develop physical fitness, mental alertness, honesty, loyalty, courage, reverence, leadership, good sportsmanship, and encouragement of courteous conduct and respect for authority by players, officials, and spectators. The manner of play will be emphasized above victory at all times.


The government of the Club will be under supervision of the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board. The Board will be elected by the Club membership according to ARTICLE XI of these Bylaws. The Board will administer the affairs of the Club in accordance with the Bylaws. All matters concerning the program policy of the Club will be decided by a vote of the membership at a regular or special meeting. The Board will consist of the officers of the Club.


The program of the Club shall be competitive athletics, mass participation (as resources allow), wherein every player assigned to a team must be properly registered and follow Club Standing Rules.


Equipment purchased by the Club shall remain the property of the Club. Equipment provided to coaches to facilitate practices, games and other activities may be retained by coaches at the discretion of the board and depending on the needs of the Club.


Sponsors of the Club must be submitted for Board consideration and approval in accordance with the TBSC Sponsorship Form.


The Club shall be affiliated with North Sound Rec League, hereinafter NSRL, and Washington Premier League, hereinafter referred to as WPL, and other local affiliated associations as required to meet our purpose, and be the subject to their rules.


GENERAL: The Club shall be non-profit and shall not allow contributions of funds to individuals of teams. The Club shall not have the power to enter into any financial obligations binding the Club beyond the fiscal year, April 1st through March 31st. Within limits of the budget as adopted by the general membership, the Board shall have the power to reallocate funds assigned to the various budget items provided that at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members are present and voting at any meeting where such action is contemplated. Any reallocation must be reported to the membership at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting. If time is of the essence, funds may be reallocated by a fifty percent (50%) vote of the membership at either a general membership meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.

A registration fee will be assessed on athletic participants to cover insurance and other such costs, which are of direct individual benefit to any participant. This Registration fee will be waived for the children of active Board members and year-round volunteers.

All fund raising ventures undertaken by the Club, or teams of the Club, will be approved by the Board.

FINANCES: Fees for player registration shall be proposed and approved by the Board.

The Club will maintain a checking account at a local chartered bank designated by the Board.

The Club treasurer will ensure that deposits and payments are made in a timely manner. Only one member from a household will be authorized to sign checks.

BUDGET: An annual Club budget will be prepared in writing, reviewed and approved by the Board. The budget will be available to general membership upon request.


Membership will consist of all registered players, parents of players, coaches, assistant coaches, team managers and Board officers. Nominations for Board positions will be open to anyone that has an active interest in furthering the purpose of the Club.


GENERAL: The officers of the Club will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Director of Player and Coach Development, Youth Soccer Director, Mod Soccer Director, Micro Soccer Director, Director of Referees, Field Manager, Equipment Manager and Publications and Marketing Director. Tenure shall be two years. It is recommended that no person shall serve in the same office for more than (2) consecutive terms. Two people may share any of the offices. In the case of office sharing, both office holders must be elected and both shall have voting privileges on any matters that come before the Board.

ELECTIONS: Board positions will be advertised, nominations taken and elections held within the 4th quarter of each fiscal year (April 1st through March 31st). This process will include general membership.

It is recommended that no person may hold more than one position on the Board.

VACANCIES IN OFFICE: In the event the office of the President becomes vacant the Vice-President will assume that office.

In the event of any other vacancy, the Board may appoint an acting officer to serve until the next occurring election cycle, during the 4th quarter of each fiscal year (April 1st through March 31st).


PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club. He/She must see to it that the membership of the Club is properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations, and policies relating to the purpose and objectives of the Club. He/She is authorized to appoint individuals to carry out duties of the office with the approval of the majority of the Board. He/She will serve as ex-officio member on the committees except the nominating committee.

VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President will be the Club Representative to the NSRL and shall attend all meetings in the absence of the President and will work with the other Officers and Committee Members, carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.

SECRETARY: The Secretary will keep the minutes of all meeting and will be responsible for meeting notifications. The Secretary will maintain a record of Club activities and publishing of those activities.

TREASURER: The Treasurer will be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all Club funds, and will maintain and report on Club funds.

REGISTRAR: The registrar will be responsible for receiving registration forms and proof of age for all players. He/She will also receive applications and risk management forms for coaches, assistant coaches and team managers. The registrar will record all information received in an approved database and administer the database in a way that ensures responsible use of the information collected. In addition he/she will keep the paper records in good condition and carry out any and all duties prescribed to Club registrars by NSRL and WPL.

DIRECTOR OF COACH AND PLAYER DEVELOPMENT: He/She will be responsible for advancing the skills and education of players and coaches. Preparing coach and player clinics as well as recommending clinics and training opportunities available through other sources will be a major component of this position.

YOUTH SOCCER DIRECTOR: He/She will be responsible for the age groups Under 13 through Under 19. This officer will help new players find the most suitable team as well as help teams find suitable players to complete their rosters. He/She will also work with coaches in regard to a team’s placement in a competitive division.

MOD SOCCER DIRECTOR: He/She will be responsible for the age groups Under 8 through Under 12. This officer will help new players find the most suitable team as well as help teams find suitable players to complete their rosters. He/She will also work with teams in regard to coaching needs and the objectives in mod soccer.

MICRO SOCCER DIRECTOR: He/She will be responsible for the age groups Under 6 and Under 7. This officer will help new players find the most suitable team as well as help teams find suitable players to complete their rosters. He/She will also need to recruit new coaches, form new teams and oversee the game schedules.

DIRECTOR OF REFEREES: This officer will be responsible for recruiting and training of referees for the Club. He/She will schedule the officials for Club games as required by seasonal and tournament schedules. He/She will also record and/or verify referee time sheets before submitting to Club Treasurer for payment.

FIELD MANAGER: The Field Manager’s job will be to assure the readiness of all fields used by the Club. He/She will schedule all practice times for Club teams and coordinate availability of game fields.

EQUIPMENT MANAGER: The Equipment Manager’s job will be to acquire, maintain, store and distribute Club uniforms, balls, and supplies as authorized by the Board.

PUBLICATIONS AND MARKETING DIRECTOR: He/She will be responsible for acquiring and publishing information useful to the Membership as well as marketing the Club within the community. Primarily this will be done through regular distribution of the Club newsletter and website as authorized by the Board.


GENERAL: All coaches and assistant coaches must submit a coach’s registration, comply with risk management procedures, sign the code of conduct and be approved via assignment by the Division Director for applicable age group. Additionally, coaches need to comply with all Club required training.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Coaches will endeavor to keep order and respect for the authority of the referee and assistant referees during the game; shall not allow any discourtesy against officials by themselves, their players or their spectators. Coaches shall be responsible for the actions of their teams on the field, as well as spectators, and will be required to follow the rules and regulations of the Governing Body in which his/her team plays.

Coaches are responsible for having proof of player eligibility at all games via approved team roster.

Coaches must have a Medical Release Form for each participant with them at all times for practices and games in the event of a medical emergency occurring when the parents are unavailable and cannot be contacted.


GENERAL: General Membership Meetings of the Club will be held in the 2nd and 4th quarters of the fiscal year (April 1st through March 31st).

SPECIAL: Special Membership meetings may be called by the following methods:

The President may call a special meeting when he/she feels the affairs of the Club dictate.

When requested by a majority of the Board.

By submitting a written petition to the President and/or the Secretary of the Club. The petition shall include signatures of no less than 15 members of the Club. Special meetings shall be held within fourteen (14) days of the date of receipt of the petition.

Notification of special membership meetings will be given in writing, e-mail or telephone communication. Coaches will be notified a minimum of five (5) days in advance of the meeting.

BOARD: Regular Board Meeting: The Board shall meet monthly. Notification of time and place will be made at each general membership meeting or by published calendar or website. Changes to schedule will be posted via social media, website or email.

SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS: The President, or a quorum of the Board, may call a special Board meeting as needed.


At the discretion of the Board, the following committees may be formed as needed and, except as noted below, will be nominated by the Board and elected by the general membership.

BUDGET COMMITTEE: The Budget Committee will consist of at least three people. It will be chaired by the Treasurer. The Budget Committee will develop an annual Club budget within the anticipated annual income.

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: The Fundraising Committee will coordinate all fund raising activities.

FIELD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: This Committee will consist of at least three people. It will explore field development opportunities, make recommendations to the Board and oversee any development projects that may be approved.

ANNUAL AWARDS COMMITTEE: This Committee will organize the annual awards banquet for Club teams and referees. It will propose the date, time and budget for Board approval.


A quorum at a Board meeting will consist of fifty percent of the Board.


The Club shall have the right to suspend and/or expel any member or player whose conduct is detrimental to the best interest of the Club. This shall be determined after a formal hearing conducted by the Board.


MEETINGS: Meetings of the Club will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order except when in conflict with these By-Laws.

BY-LAWS: Proposed revisions to the Club By-Laws will be posted on the Club website with notification to members at least 30 days in advance of the the next General Membership meeting or a Special Membership meeting. Passage of the revisions will be by at least two-thirds majority of the members present. All changes will take effect immediately.

STANDING RULES: The Standing Rules shall remain in addendum to these By-Laws. Standing Rules shall include but not be limited to the current Playing Rules as defined by NSRL, WPL and US Club. Deviations to these can be recommended by the Board and approved by then General Membership, with notification to members at least 30 days in advance of the the next General Membership meeting or a Special Membership meeting. Passage of the revisions will be by at least two-thirds majority of the members present.

Registration for 2024 is Now Open